Large Group Tuition (E.g. Classroom)
- Cheap fees
- Lesson is cascaded to a large number of students (Rapid learning)
- The stronger students are able to help the weaker students
- Tuition time not flexible
- Students may be shy to ask questions
- Results of students may not be consistent
- Students may not absorb the lessons at the same pace
- Very difficult to get accurate feedback about each student as tutor may not be able to precisely remember each student
- Rigid Learning (no individual attention to each student)
Small Group Tuition (E.g. less than 10 students)
- Affordable fees
- Lesson is cascaded to a smaller number of students (Customized learning)
- The stronger students are able to help the weaker students
- Better interaction between students and tutors
- Easier to derive accurate feedback about each student as it is easier for the tutor to remember all students
- Results of students may be more consistent
- Tuition time is not flexible
- Some students may not concentrate (different absorption rate)
1 to 1 Home Tuition
- Lesson is cascaded to that particular student (personalized learning)
- Student’s attention is fully held by the tutor
- Tuition is held in the comfort of the student’s home
- Tuition time flexible (tutor will fit into student’s schedule)
- Students will be able to ask questions freely
- Very easy to get accurate feedback about the student
- Results of students will be consistent
- Higher fees
- Student cannot interact with other students