Thank you for requesting a tutor
Tuition hero is managed by Hero Education Sdn Bhd and the only bank account is Maybank / Hero Education Sdn Bhd / 512754531313 .
what you should expect next?
1) Our co-ordinating team is now getting busy to source for the best available tutor for you. You will receive SMS once there are available tutors and you can click into the link to view their profiles.
2) We usually can get a tutor in 1-4 days. However, we might take longer time or that we couldn't match a tutor, most common reasons are: location is far away from main cities, lower than market rate, students have limited time slot, specific requirement etc. We will try our best to notify you to see how we can adjust and accommodate. If not, we suggest you to call / text us back to discuss.
3) After we find a match, our client support, Joey (016 - 2209510) will be collecting tuition fee and assist you if you have any issue or question. For long term tuition (more than 4 months), we will collect first 2 weeks fee from client after completing 2 weeks tuition. From 3rd week onwards, client can pay the fees to tutor, either weekly or monthly.
4) If you are not satisfied with the tutor we matched for you, please do inform us and let us know.
5) Our free service includes:
**Tuition Management Pack is optional and not all tutor will use it unless requested, please click to request for the pack : CLICK HERE
After you have hired a tutor from us
These infos might be useful for you to kick start your home tuition.
1) Communication with tutors ++
Communication with tutor is important to achieve your goal. Home tuition is a personalised service, most tutors are happy to accommodate to reasonable requests. Other that important issues like the rate, tuition timing and subject, you can discuss with tutor about: the student's situation, the expectation of home tuition (is it just guidance, for exam?), how you prefer tutor to teach (in a strict way? to be soft to student?), method of teaching (more exercise? teach outside of textbook?) etc.
2) Consistent classes ++
Most tutors will prefer consistent classes. If there are frequent cancellations (like 1 or 2 weeks off every month), student might not be able to catch up or tutor might cancel the class. However, cancellation like on holiday or on urgent matter can be reasonable, tutor will appreciate if she is told in advance.
3) Prompt payment ++
Some tutors, such as full time tutors rely on tuition income to survive, we suggest prompt payment to tutor so they can go on to teach comfortably.
4) Feedbacks ++
If you have feedbacks on tutor, you can communicate nicely with her, so each parties expectation are met. You can also tell us if the tutor is good or not good, because we rely on this info when recommending tutors for clients. If you would like to report issues, you can contact our client support and we will assist you.
5) Get a free booklet & service agreement ++
We offer free booklet for tutors to use so that you can track the attendance, feedbacks, payment and progress. There is also a simple agreement you can use if you find it useful. Get your home tuition pack, by clicking this >> CLICK HERE
1) Tutor wants to collect 1 month tuition fee in advance ++
There are tutors that we know, especially experienced tutors who prefer to collect tuition fee 1 month in advance before teaching. Most of the time, they were fine and our clients rarely had any issue with that. However, we saw other agencies reported that tutors stop teaching after receiving the fees for the first month. We suggest that you have a discussion with the tutors if they want to collect tuition fees upfront (especially for new tutors) or ask advice from our client support.
2) Tutor who is not committed ++
We tried our very best to recommend tutors who are experienced with good attitude. We looked at their profile, previous feedbacks from clients and the relationship between us. However, attitude of a tutor is something we are hard to control. There are small percentage of tutors who will constantly be late to classes, postpone or cancel classes because of their other commitments. If you think this is an issue for you, please report to us immediately and we will assist you to change a tutor or improve the situation.
3) If you can't start the class immediately ++
If you can't start the class immediately after we have matched a tutor for you, please inform us. Whenever you plan to start the class, say: 2 months later, please inform us and we will assist you to find another available tutor or arrange the previous tutor for you. We will also mail the tuition management pack to you.
4) If you find out tutor is not suitable ++
We will try our best to find a suitable tutor for you. If you find the tutor not suitable, please do contact us and we will get you a replacement.
By now, you should know what to expect and be comfortable to start the class. We wish you all the best and for anything else, please let us know so we can further assist you.
Assistance & feedback
1) If you require services after hiring our tutor, please contact Joey (016-2209510), he will assist you and solve your problems.
2) If you wish to get in touch with the Director of the company directly, please email us. It can be feedbacks on our services or staffs.